Term Category: Techniques
Belt or Belting is a thicker, heavier, brassier, brighter, twangier vocal style of production for female singers, representing most female vocal styles that are not head voice or thin folds. While belting is most often associated with female vocalists a belt production is achievable by everyone. Belting is a state of thyroarytenoid dominance with an increased closed quotient (duration) requiring lower subglottal pressure than regular thyroarytenoid-dominant vocal production while producing large amplitudes of sound. This form of production can only be maintained within a certain range with many vocal researchers putting the upper limit around C5.
Josh Manuel, a voice instructor and founder of VoiceScience, is dedicated to empowering singers by providing evidence-based techniques and knowledge for enhanced performance and vocal health. His expertise and passion in the field of vocal science have made him a trusted resource for singers seeking to improve their skills and achieve their full potential.
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